OU Urban Mesh
Deborah teaches advanced studio courses which explore applying computational design methods to urban scale issues
Urban Mesh explores meshing the divide between the west and east parts of the city. Program, infrastructure, space and form are used to join the two parts of the city to allow a unified experience of the city. The current divide is physically caused by the I-235 designation which was approved by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) on July 13, 1976. The highway opened in 1989.
The studio took place during the spring semester of 2018. Deborah taught generative design techniques with Python for Rhino as a toolset for exploring the design problem. The students enrolled in the studio were Collin Abdallah, Jessica Black, John Brown, Westin Dinnes, Matthew Festa, Jose Garcia, Noah Medley, Erica Omae, Jacob Stinson.
Swarm 235 by Jose Garcia
Smart Mesh by Westin Dines
Nest by Jacob Stinson
Threshold District by Jessica Black